Instructional Techniques for Cultivating Psychological Safety

Focus Area: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Phase: Targeted Support

Available Now


In this Virtual Workshop, participants will build a common understanding about concepts like privilege, racial socialization, bias, and critical consciousness while learning about critical historic influences. Participants will unpack the messages we send to students that perpetuate racist ideas, and help students to develop a critical consciousness.


This product is designed for teachers, especially those that are in classrooms with minimal racial diversity. 


  • 2-hour virtual workshop
  • Ideal for participants to be from the same school or district


I integrate equitable practices into my daily instruction.

Learning Experience


In this section, participants will engage with the restorative lens and concepts of critical consciousness as we define some key terms (bias, privilege, racial socialization, critical consciousness) to create a shared language as we begin unpacking our racial socialization.


Next, participants will explore the diverse ways we communicate with students (verbally and nonverbally) and the messages we send that could be damaging.


Participants will begin developing their critical consciousness and learn how to model this for their students, so that students can begin to develop their own awareness and critical consciousness. Participants will need to consider how to make these conversations come to life by answering: when does building this common language happen with students and how do we create spaces to insert conversations about race?