Teachers studying papers and books

Build a Data-Informed Professional Learning Plan with Learning Walks

Classroom observations that empower leaders with data to measure progress and identify opportunities for targeted support, ensuring district-wide change in practice.

Students raising hands in classroom

Identify Differentiated Support to Achieve Initiatives

Learning Walks are a non-evaluative observation process that offer leaders the chance to look for specific changes in practice that support district initiatives and offer teachers personalized professional learning. Collaborating with an expert BetterLesson coach, leaders work together to observe lessons, share feedback aligned to specific outcomes, and create a data-informed learning plan to differentiate support for teachers.

Teachers working together and helping student

Comprehensive Professional Learning for All Educators

Sustained, district wide changes in practice don’t happen after one-off PD days. Learning Walks are one phase of a year-long professional learning program that supports both teachers and leaders to make meaningful changes for students.

BetterLesson coaches meet leaders onsite to guide progress assessments of new initiatives by understanding what success looks like in the classroom, how to support teachers to achieve their target outcomes, and to continually improve on professional learning plans. When Learning Walks are used in combination with differentiated learning experiences paced throughout the school year, both teachers and leaders gain the ongoing support they need to build a sustainable change in practice.

Teachers collaborating at school

Observation Cycles to Support Sustained Learning

The Learning Walk cycle begins with a launch experience that unites instructional leaders in creating an effective plan for using Learning Walks to implement and measure the success of school or district wide initiatives.

Throughout the cycle, leaders collect data, provide teachers personalized support using data-driven insights, and strategically refine professional development plans. Learning Walk cycles ensure sustainable changes in practice, offering both teachers and leaders ongoing personalized support throughout the school year.

The Framework of Effective Professional Learning

All professional learning should lead to measurable outcomes in classrooms. Every BetterLesson learning experience is designed using the Define, Explore, Build framework, ensuring that all participants acquire a deeper understanding of the focus area and develop a plan to apply new knowledge and strategies effectively for positive impact on students.


BetterLesson coaches work with leaders to identify observable classroom metrics that are tied to the outcomes teachers are working toward.


With the guidance of a BetterLesson coach, leaders observe classrooms, gather data, and collaborate in teams to understand the practices they’re measuring.


Leaders and their BetterLesson coach use the data they’ve collected to identify both areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Leaders work together to refine their professional development plans using strategic, data-informed decisions for next steps.

Explore Learning Walks


Create a data-informed professional learning plan

Build a research-backed professional learning plan to reach your district’s goals. Reach out to our team to start creating a solution.

Get in Touch

“We could not have designed initiatives to effectively address culturally responsive teaching and learning practices without the partnership of BetterLesson and their Learning Walk. We have a concrete plan for how to move forward. This wasn't just a warm and fuzzy experience.”

“I loved our Learning Walk—it was purposeful and easy to replicate. I can use the tools and resources right away.”

“It is worthwhile to take a step back from the day-to-day routine to visit classes with colleagues and share what we are seeing, ensure that we have a common language and vision of teaching, identify trends, and develop schoolwide action plans.”


The Learning Curve

Accelerate growth in your schools and stay ahead of the curve.