Ensuring Students Have Access and Opportunity With Technology

Focus Area: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Phase: Targeted Support

Available Now


Distance Learning (or Virtual Learning) is a challenging shift our educators are experiencing, this session was created to support teachers navigating tech while providing equitable learning experiences for all of our students. This product will support student centered teaching and learning because it shares efficient and equitable ways to instruct, while providing access to unique learning opportunities and classes for all students to be successful.  


This product is designed for teachers and leaders that are teaching in virtual settings or abiding by a hybrid model. The ideal audience for this session would be educators who are looking to create clear and intentionally equitable pathways for students to be and remain successful learners at a distance.


  • 2 hours
  • A computer with a camera, a microphone, and Zoom familiarity


I examine my classroom technology use for gaps that may be present in equity or access.

Learning Experience


Participants begin by exploring how access and equity are related and then define equity as a community and pin point celebrations and challenges in upholding this definition.


Next, participants explore real life scenarios to identify gaps in equity.


To close this session, participants build and get peer feedback on their plan for improving equity in their context.