Launching School-Wide Systems to Support Students with Disabilities

Focus Area: Students with Disabilities

Instructional Coaches, Leaders, Teachers

Phase: Launch

Available Now


The work of supporting students with disabilities does not live only with special education teachers and staff, it lives with every single school team member. In order to create inclusive environments that meet the needs of all learners, every teacher, administrator, and staff member must understand those needs and work collaboratively.


  • 6 hours
  • Participants will need a computer with Internet access


This workshop is intended to support leaders, instructional coaches, and teachers in building a plan to support students with disabilities.


Coaching supports participants where they are at, building awareness, understanding, and opportunities for application and ownership of key competencies like:

  • Inclusivity through UDL: I design lessons that are inclusive for students with disabilities by using UDL principles.
  • Differentiation: I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
  • Maintaining High Expectations: I maintain and evaluate expectations that are both high and realistic for students with disabilities.
  • Collaborating with IEP Teams: I collaborate with all partners to contribute to IEPs that reflect student strengths and needs.
  • Disability Awareness: I foster a positive culture in my classroom and school community around disability awareness.

Learning Experience


  • Ground in the laws and ideologies behind supporting students with disabilities
  • Look at the pillars for supporting students with disabilities
  • Use a jigsaw protocol to examine why inclusive practices are beneficial for all students


  • Self-select into small groups to explore a set of resources. Each group will be exploring a different set (school-team collaboration tools, IEP meeting resources, strategies for inclusive instruction)


  • In the same small groups, teams will use a planning template to select resources and adapt them to fit the school’s needs, making a plan for integrating those resources into practice
  • Teams will then share out plans with the whole group, then participants will give/receive feedback using a 3-2-1 protocol