Strategies to Maximize Teacher Evaluation Systems & Tools

Focus Area: Principalship


Phase: Targeted Support

Available Now


Most educator evaluation systems are designed to determine levels of proficiency and effectiveness while revealing areas of opportunity and growth. Supports that facilitate growth in practice are often embedded and can be used to leverage real-time coaching opportunities. However, these tools when underused or misused can undermine the goal of improving teaching and learning. When an evaluation instrument is focused and enacted more on highlighting teacher deficiencies with no ongoing cycle of observation, feedback, and coaching, trust in the process is eroded. Combined with a lack of transparency, pervasive distrust breeds apathy and educator dissatisfaction. Teaching early principals strategies to mitigate the cycle of distrust can help ensure teacher evaluation systems and tools are growth-centric tools used to maximize results. Within this topic, BL Coaches will lead principals in fostering trust and confidence in the teacher evaluation process through increased transparency and support.


This learning experience is designed for those newer to the Principal role, assistant principals, and teacher leaders developing leadership knowledge and skills.


  • 2 hours
  • Participants will need a computer with access to Zoom, a camera, a microphone, and stable Internet connectivity


I leverage trust and transparency to maximize the use of teacher evaluation systems and tools to facilitate educator growth.

Learning Experience

Frame the Problem of Practice

  • Clearly define the key purpose(s) of teacher evaluation
  • Identify trust and transparency as critical attributes of effective teacher evaluation processes
  • Examine real-world to evaluate principal actions and behaviors

Explore the Problem of Practice

Action Plan to Address the Problem of Practice

  • Self-select one C to focus on in practice and build a plan for addressing and increasing trust and transparency
  • Plan to share completed plans and exchange feedback on the Community Discussion Board as a follow-up to the VW to prepare for 1:1 coaching