Leveraging Calibration Conversations for Growth

Focus Area: Principalship


Phase: Targeted Support

Available Now


When there is no trust in the integrity and fidelity of evaluation tools and instruments, the chance of using that system to improve teacher practice is almost nonexistent. In order “to establish quality teacher evaluation practices, evaluators must be fair, their work must be valid, and the judgments they reach about a teacher’s practice must be reliable” (Miller, 2018, p. 2). As instructional leaders, principals play a pivotal role in leading “calibration conversations” among educators. Calibrating ensures ratings given to teachers are consistent interpretations of the criteria used for evaluation, regardless of who the observer might be (Miller, 2018). Principals that consistently leverage calibration significantly amplify teacher evaluation processes that lead to improvement in practice. Within this topic, BL Coaches will lead principals in fostering trust and confidence in the teacher evaluation process through increased transparency and support.


This learning experience is designed for those newer to the Principal role, assistant principals, and teacher leaders developing leadership knowledge and skills.


  • 2 hours
  • Participants will need a computer with access to Zoom, a camera, a microphone, and stable Internet connectivity


I use calibration techniques strategically to guide educators in using evidence-based feedback to facilitate self-reflection and growth in practice.

Learning Experience

Frame the Problem of Practice

  • Define calibration and examine its role in teacher evaluation processes.
  • Reflect, share, and exchange feedback on current calibration practices

Explore the Problem of Practice

Action Plan to Address the Problem of Practice

  • Use key considerations for leading calibration work to devise a plan for facilitation at campus-level
  • Plan to share completed plans and exchange feedback on the Community Discussion Board as a follow-up to the VW to prepare for 1:1 coaching