Going Deeper with Strategic Planning for ALL Block 3-5

Focus Area: EL Education


Phase: Planning

Available Now


After building an understanding of the components of ALL Block, participants are ready to apply what they have learned to strategically plan to support the needs of their students. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on implementation and learn from each other around successes and challenges. During this workshop, participants will have time to explore task cards and develop resources to support differentiation.  An instructional coach will introduce participants to strategic planning as a process, which can be replicated, and collaborate to solve common challenges.


Because we will be digging into data and leveraging experience, this workshop is designed for educators who have taught Module #1, given the assessments and who have implemented ALL Block.


  • 6 hours
  • Participants will need a computer with Internet access and
  • Access to ALL Block materials (print or digital)


I understand the structure and purpose of ALL Block.

Learning Experience


  • I can identify trends of success and support with my implementation of ALL Block
  • I can understand how to use Module assessment data to support ALL Block instruction


  • I can explore resources to support task card differentiation
  • I can identify challenges in my practice and learn from my colleagues
  • I can explore different methods to organize materials by exploring each rotation


  • I can use my data and understandings to make strategic decisions around ALL Block tasks that support student success
  • I can effectively and efficiently plan for future ALL Block instruction