The beginning of the 2021-2022 school year, in many ways, is even more stressful to teachers than the past 2 school years have been. Staff shortages, COVID19 procedures, and returning to whole group instruction after a long interruption are just a few of the many factors contributing to staff feeling stretched-thin and overwhelmed.

What can you do as a leader to support your staff through these challenging times?

This free BetterLesson Live session will help leaders identify 3 paths to creating and implementing a Staff Morale Strategic Plan. One that helps prioritize teacher well-being and support them in helping students maximize the return of in-person instruction in a manageable and sustainable way.


Key Takeaways:

  • Focusing on the 3Ts: Tone, Time, Talent Support and Development
  • Leaders set the tone of the culture in their building. Learn how to create a culture of genuine appreciation, care, and relationship building.
  • The pandemic has completely modified teachers’ relationship to time. Explore ways to give teachers some time flexibility back, even back in the building.
  • Talent needs to be developed and supported in meaningful ways. Demonstrate a path for growth, and a way Teachers will be recognized and valued for that growth.